Thursday, May 3, 2012

Please Go to New Blog Site!

Hello! Thank you so much for coming here! For the time being, I need to take my iguana poems off-line, because they are in an ebook form on amazon and kindle, who require the poems to not be anywhere else online. Please go to my new iguana poems blog under my pen name, Zantippy Skiphop, at the link below. There I talk about children's books in general, because I love them so much, and you can read about the compilation of poetry the Iguana made in Poetry by the Iguana. He may seem like an exceptional iguana to most humans, but in the iguana community he is simply another poet. He wants to share his poems with humans, so I translated them!

Please link from here to Zantippy's blog:

Zantippy Skiphop blog:

In the future, Poetry by the Iguana will be available on more diverse e-readers, but for now it is only on Kindle or on your computer or phone using the free kindle app. If you don't have a Kindle, you can download the app, then link to the Amazon pages for Poetry by the Iguana:



The free kindle app for your computer, phone, or other device can be found here:

Thank you so much, and I hope to see you at Zantippy's blog!

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